Saturday 5 March 2011

4th March

Within Comms and Employability this week I finished M2, P6 and D1 Tasks for Assignment 2. For this assignment i did sturggle with the understanding of evaluating my own interpersonal skills however after discussing thsi through with Karen and Tracey it became much more clearer. As i seem to learn better by discussing more in depth to what the task are about this therefore helped me to understand what to do to complete the distiction task.
Within Digital Graphic this week I completed my poster design and also my business card design. I had made my own logo for the business and added this on these. Just getting on with my won work did suit me better however I am not the most creative person therefore once I had arranged my poster i didnt know what else to add to this to make it stand out and look more creative. For the next task on this assignment it is to let the creative director look at my poster and business card to modify them, this is where I may get some more insperation from to improve.
Within Organisational system security this week I started assignment 3, I started to complete task P4 and this is still in process. However this did cause problems as we was given a website to go on read about and this would give us all the information that we needed, but the techinally terms that are used on the website does not make the whole information easy for me to understand. To resolve this I spoke to helen and she will be preparing a worksheet with the information on to make it eaiser to understand so that i can complete the task with no more problems.