Monday 7 February 2011

7th February 2011

Within Comms and Employability this week I have now completed my first assignment, within this assignment I had discussed personal attributes that would be valued by an employer. I also discussed principles of effective communication, their potential barriers and how to reduce the impact of these. Within this week we just got on with the assignment so that it could be finished in time to reach the deadline.
In Digital Graphics this week I also completed my first assignment, within this assignment I discussed hardware and software that help to edit graphic images. i also spoke about file formats that can be used, I also completed the merit task which was to compare limitations of hardware and software. I did attempt to complete the distinction task which was to evaluate the impact of output mediums this I did not fully understand however it was attempted and then given in to wait for redo. We also started to use Adobe photoshop and starting getting used to the basic skills.
Within Organisational systems security we all discussed the encryption technique and researched about this, this was then to be put into out powerpoint presentation to complete that task. This lesson was both discussing and then just getting on with the task which did suit me. 

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