Wednesday 12 January 2011

12th January 2011

In Comms & Employablilty lesson we learnt about attributes.
Attributes; ones that are required but also ones that are personal to you that you think can help to improve the company. I also had to choose a job role involving ICT, and then expand and explain their attributes needed. The only problem with this was i only had tome to complete the one jope which was technical support. Karen taught this lesson and within this i thought i learnt well as she spoke about attributes and explained them.
Within Digital graphics this week we was given assignment breif and what we need to do to complete it. i also experiemented using Adobe Illustrator, after this i now know how to use stamp pictures and the paint tool whilst changing the colour. the following lesson i then tried to trace a basic shape however this would be something i could improve on. i then had a go at using the shape tool, and pen tool to draw different images.
Within organisational system securtiy we discussed and was given a handout to help with internal and external threates. This is where Piggybacking was addressed, this was though me listening and reading learning. The following lesson we discussed how there could be impacts on the IT organisation, with this there was no problems.

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