Friday 7 January 2011

7th January 2011

In Comms and Employability lesson I have completed a learning styles questionnaire online which I then found out that my learning style was visual. However when I completed a different learning styles questionnaire with fewer questions I found that my learning style was Auditory. But for both of the questionnaires I have found that the learning style that I struggle with both said I am weaker with the Kinesthetic therefore this would be able problem that I would be able to try to overcome.
Within my organisational system security lesson, we discussed and then researched individually internal and external threats to an organisation. in this lesson i did have a few problems as i could not find out the meaning of piggybacking. To help me address this we will be discussing each threat further in our next lesson. within this lesson i firstly learned through the lector talking about the invidual threats.
My other lesson is digital graphics, within this lesson we was introduced to what we shall be doing. In this the learning style suited me perfect as i was learning through auditory aswell having a paper copy infront of me to look at. we looked at the difference between Bitmap and Vector images, the image formats that each of them can use and the difference between graphics print. indivually we then researched software applications and there benefits, with this i did not seem to have any problems. i also researched the hardware components and their benefits, with this is did struggle a bit as i didnt really understand some, but it was easily resolved by talking to wai about it.

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